Film Emulation


Alchemy Color presents a custom method of film scan, inversion, and digital emulation. We approach the negative under our commitment to accurate color, and the result is a precise scanning and inversion method, leading to a set of profiles and presets that emulate film with digital images.

Our film emulation works as a primer that transforms the behaviour of Adobe Camera Raw into a more analog looking imaging pipeline.

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Analog to Analog

Color negatives originated during a time when the majority of photographs were printed on chemical paper.

Consequently, the inherent nature of color negatives is intrinsically linked to an optical and chemical imaging method.

Early Digitization

Nikon introduced the COOLSCAN in 1993, a compact and affordable film scanner that democratized digital photography. It bridged the gap between digital and analog, making digital photography accessible to everyone.

Since then, film scanning hardware and software have improved in scanning speed, resolution, dynamic range, color depth, and inversion algorithms.

DIY Scanning

Digital camera scanning gained prominence in the early 2010s. While photographers could achieve satisfactory results at home, the use of various setups, cameras, processing techniques, and inversion methods added arbitrary steps to the digitization and inversion processes.


One major question remains: Is there a non-arbitrary, technically well informed method of inverting color negatives in the digital domain?


We tested multiple combinations of light sources, DNG profiles, and white balance settings until we arrived at a method that abides by our premise. Learn about every step in our video tutorial. We also created a simpler, universal method, compatible with any raw capable digital camera without DNG profile dependencies.

  1. capture


Our specialized method captures the negative under very controlled circumstances, akin to artwork reproduction. We illuminated the negative with the same high-quality D50 LEDs used for camera calibration. Extensive tests were made with narrow-band RGB LED sources with explicitly worse results.

  • YujiLED D50 LEDs illuminate a spectrally neutral white background.
  • Sony A7IV + Canon EF 100mm 2.8 macro.
  • Exposure set as a median between the burned tip and transparent film lead.

2. Processing


The resulting raw image is processed with a linear calibrated profile, specific to the camera and light sources used to photograph the negative. The resulting image is a digital facsimile of the negative’s color with uncompromised precision.

  • Calibrated profile ensures accurate color reproduction.
  • Color separation is handled by the profile.
  • Contrast is kept linear, thus preserving the negative’s native tonality.

Negative processed with a linear, calibrated profile.

3. Inverting


Our inversion method is based on the work of Aaron Buchler. It allows for a mathematically accurate inversion of the negative to positive in the digital domain. The resulting flat positive of a ColorChecker SG shot on Kodak Gold 200, when tone matched against reference values, results as low as a DeltaE2000 of 2.84 can be achieved. This low value is a testament not only to the accuracy of the method but to the overall precise colorimetry of the negative.

The resulting inversion is then passed through a publicly available chemical print paper ICC profile that completes the expected analog signal path.

  • Mathematically accurate color negative inversion in 32 bits.
  • Added Kodak Endura chemical print paper color emulation.
  • Contrast can be extensively manipulated, allowing for various toned outputs:
    • Linear contrast.
    • Adobe Camera Raw Standard contrast.
    • Kodak Endura print paper contrast emulation.

Inverted negative vs. reference values


Our specialized method of film scan and negative inversion provides all the necessary data to create an innovative set of digital emulations. Negative and print paper color is embedded into the Adobe Camera Raw pipeline for a convincing and versatile film emulation.

Step 1 - Apply preset and export as TIFF.

Adobe Standard > Negative Emulation

Step 2 - Invert with third-party software or manually.

Exported TIFF > Negative Lab Pro

Adobe Standard > Negative Emulation + Negative Lab Pro

TIFF > Negative Emulation + Negative Lab Pro

TIFF > Negative Emulation + Negative Lab Pro


Digital emulation vs negative. Sourvce camera is the Sony A7IV. BABELCOLOR PATCHTOOL using the CIEDE2000 metric. Lower is better. Values below 2 are only perceptible through close observation.

  • All samples: 0,84
  • Best 90%: 0,60
  • Worst 10%: 3,01.

Adobe Standard > Kodak Gold 200 linear

Kodak Gold 200 linear > Plus exposure and contrast

Adobe Standard > Kodak Gold 200 linear

Kodak Gold 200 linear > Plus exposure and contrast

Adobe Standard > Kodak Gold 200 linear

Kodak Gold 200 linear > Plus exposure and contrast

Adobe Standard > Kodak Gold 200 linear

Kodak Gold 200 linear > Plus exposure and contrast

Adobe Standard > Kodak Gold 200 ACR

Adobe Standard > Kodak Gold 200 ACR

Adobe Standard > Kodak Gold 200 ACR

Adobe Standard > Kodak Gold 200 ACR

Adobe Standard > Kodak Gold 200 paper

Adobe Standard > Kodak Gold 200 paper

Adobe Standard > Kodak Gold 200 paper

Adobe Standard > Kodak Gold 200 paper

Adobe Standard > Kodak Gold 200 paper


Digital emulation vs inverted negative in 32 bit. Source camera is the Sony A7IV. BABELCOLOR PATCHTOOL using the CIEDE2000 metric. Lower is better. Values below 2 are only perceptible through close observation.

  • All samples: 2,80
  • Best 90%: 2,23
  • Worst 10%: 7,96

Optimization Masks

Every preset comes with a set of optimization masks that further enhance the analog look. These masks operate after the emulation is applied and are set to default values. These should be changed acording to taste.


Subtle blur and grain contribute to an analog texture across the whole image.

Dynamic Range Compression

Optimizes dynamic range and lowers peak white while improving highlight saturation.
This mask can be manually tweaked for better retention of shadows and highlights.

Sky Recovery

Sky recovery uses Adobe’s AI masking to recover color and details in the sky along with a specific hue compensation for cyan due to hue skews.

Highlight Roll-Offs

The highlight roll-offs mask reduce saturation in the brightest areas while preserving detail and color in the sky.


Yes, we’re planning on releasing more negative and positive films.

If you want to see Alchemy Color Emulations applied to your images, send us a raw sample from a supported camera through any file delivery service and email us at We’ll get back to you with edited samples in TIFF format for review.

Alchemy Color Standard is a color transformation based on Adobe Standard as a baseline, ensuring wide compatibility with any camera supported by Adobe Camera Raw. Alchemy Color Pro is custom designed for each camera model, thus resulting in more accurate transformations.