Alchemy Color is the answer to some of the missing pieces in digital color editing. We offer a comprehensive set of products and services that supercharge existing editing software with accurate and flexible color transformations.
- Digital Camera Calibration
- Digital Camera Emulation
- Color Negative Film Inversion and Emulation
- Custom Color Services

Reliable Measurements
We use high-quality color charts, light sources, and professional hardware and software to achieve the best possible measurements.
- X-Rite and SuperChroma color charts
- YujiLED D50 Standard LEDs
- X-Rite i1Pro 3 Radiospectrophotometer
- BabelColor PatchTool and CT&A software
High Quality Color Transformations
Good measurements lead to good color transformations. We use highly customizable software and methods to achieve the best results.
- 3DLUT Creator
- Lumariver Profile Designer
- Lattice
- Photoshop
- Lightroom
Custom Services
We can provide custom color measurement and transformation services on a quote.
- Custom digital camera profiling
- Custom color emulation
- Color correction
- Illuminant color correction
- Color chart measurement
Video Essays
We occasionally publish long-form essays on color science on our YouTube channel. These videos address pertinent issues behind our products.
In this first episode of Alchemy Color, we go through the basis of digital development for raw stills and how calibration matters for discerning photographers. What’s the difference between Adobe’s default and custom-made profiles? Why does color science influence the decision-making process of buying a new camera? At the end, we introduce our first product and show some comparisons.
In this second episode of Alchemy Color, we explore some misconceptions about old digital sensors and how we came to think that some camera models, under specific circumstances, look like film. Furthermore, we explore the possibility of emulating old digital cameras with contemporary sensors.
In this episode of Alchemy Color, we’ll explore the process of accurately scanning and inverting a color negative with readily available tools inside Adobe Camera Raw. This is a long-form tutorial, so stick around until the end for the reveal of a unique emulation for digital stills.